What Megyn Kelly represents, at least to me, is not racism in the traditional Jim Crow sense of accusing blacks of being lazy, servile and subhuman.

Like many people recently, Kelly fell into the trap ensnaring a lot of undercover bigots in America today.” “But she failed to live up to that respect. Kelly’s remarks, however, changed Jones’s mind. I respected her for that even if I didn't agree with her politics.” She stood up to then-candidate Trump's misogynist bullying. She was strong and came across as a solid journalist who'd done her research. “Kelly had impressed me at the presidential debates back in 2016. Roxanne Jones, a prominent African-American sports journalist and commentator, wrote on CNN.com.

While at Fox News she said that Santa, as well as Jesus, was white. Unfortunately, this was not the first time Kelly’s insensitivity to race has become an issue. She was oblivious to the legacy of whites performing as blacks in vaudeville – typically as ignorant buffoons and the convenient butts of racist jokes. She spoke of the supposed innocence of blackface without an awareness of the stigma attached. On the surface, Kelly’s remark might seem stupid but not hostile. She had been critical of NBC management, and her high salary did not endear her to NBC colleagues. The next day she apologized for her insensitivity, but the damage was done, and so was Kelly.